Scotty creek research station
A non-profit, Indigenous-led Research Station

Photos - 2022 Field Season

Guardians open up the station in March
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Snow surveys...
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Best time of year to sample peat
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and to sample snow, of course...
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Busy, but always time for this
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Snow edges highlighted by the Sun
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each day ends with dessert!
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Nahegha ndéh gondıé (Land Stories for Us), 1-3 June
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This event included indoor activities
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and activities on the river
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and river banks
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as well as activities at Scotty Creek
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Including on Goose Lake
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knoweldge flowing in all directions...
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Finding some shade.
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Nahegha ndéh gondıé group photo
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Some down-time with the Gray Jays....
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LKFN members arrive for event of 15 Aug.
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LKFN's Chief Antoine accepts gift...
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...commemorating the lease transfer to LKFN.
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Fire-feeding ceremony
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and Canada's 1st Indigenous-led research station is born!
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Extremely dry conditions in summer and fall
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Wildfire apporaches Scotty Creek from SW
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Field crews evacuated to safety
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Fire crews worked to save the station
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Including new fire breaks
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Extensive fire damage, but we will rebuild!
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