Scotty creek research station
A non-profit, Indigenous-led Research Station

Photos - 2023 Field Season

Bringing in building materials
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Hagglund team takes a break
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Setting up new building footprints
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New floors
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...and new platforms
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New storage sheds
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A new tool shed
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Trying to keep clean while building...
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First new building frame almost done!
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Many hands...
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Finishing touches
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Just waiting for the paint to dry...
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New station starting to take shape!
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Discussing next steps...field work!
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A good stretch before fieldwork
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Heading out on foot...
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...and by canoe
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New life on the burned landscape
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Assessing the fire damage
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Oliver and Woodwell crew repair flux tower
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New scaffolding on flux tower
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Help arrives for field research!
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CFS and ECC researchers
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Sampling peat...
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...and water
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Lots of thaw depth measurements
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Checking equipment _ downloading data
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Taking a break in the field...
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...and at the Station
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Re-starting the Scotty bakeshop...
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Each day ends with a family dinner
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Student interns commute between Scotty and LKFN office
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Interns with LKFN Executive Director
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Interns with LKFN office
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Future site of the Scotty Arbour (2024)
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Closing the Station at the end of summer
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Looking forward to welcoming everyone back in 2024
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